A new study shows new studies are needlessly complicating nutrition and wellness

Nutrition advice changes every 10 minutes.

One minute a study shows eating eggs will kill you.
The next minute a study shows the opposite.

Same goes for Red Wine, Red meat, smoking pot, coffee...

They're all bad. And then some study comes along...

EvenFunny or Die noticed how prevailing nutritional wisdom changes like the tide.

It's tough. We all have that moment we decide to eat healthier; then give up because that healthy target keeps moving.

Everything is so damn complicated. Will someone just tell me what to eat so I can look good and feel better? It seems unless I'm eating broccoli straight from the organic farm and drinking water filtered through Icelandic fjords then there's a study showing me that I'm slowly killing myself with pathogens, pollutants, and processed crap.

We have the desire to eat healthier; none of these studies can agree on what that means.


Why do we even listen to these studies in the first place? Two reasons: Hope and Novelty.

Hope- they promise a world where one or two small changes will make a huge difference. Hope like this drives the economy.

Novelty- they offer something new. New stuff also drives the economy.

If they didn't offer anything new there would be nothing to report, right? We'd have to watch or read another report about how eating clean, whole foods, rainbow salads and lean protein are the way to health.


If you're eating well (following the boring basics) most of the time you're doing better than 99% of people out there. These instructions have withstood the test of time. Follow them and you'll be so happy, healthy and energetic you won't care what the latest study says.

Can you do even better? Can you do nutrient timing? Or cleansing? Or eating açaí berries? Well studies have shown that adhering to what some recently published study recommends might make you better.

Might make you worse.

Master the basics. Then worry about the next new study.

Or talk it over with a Trainer. The professionals we work with aren't dieticians, but I'm betting on some level they look the way you'd like to (or else why hire them). Studies show they can tell you how they eat, what studies they've read, and can help you look good and feel better.


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