3 thoughts, 2 quotes, 1 question
Borrowing a page from the World’s most read blog by James Clear, here are 3 fitness related thoughts, 2 ideas, and one question…
3 Thoughts
I: The benefits of good posture include:
Unfortunately our cell phone/computer/car usage is turning us all into Igor from ‘Young Frankenstein’. What to do?
The Neck Cloud (Come try it at Train!) is a solid short term solution to posture and neck issues.
II: A more long term solution for neck/shoulder stiffness- Look off into the distance. When you look far away the focus of your eyes widens, and you stand up taller. Try a walk with your eyes on the horizon. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your posture and mobility change.
2 quotes (from my fitness idols)
Takeaway- Movement is the sum of inputs and outputs to our nervous system. This quote was cleaned up from an interview.
Takeaway- Simple things work. Before you get fancy, or intense, focus on the simple/small stuff.
And a question.
What are you holding on to that’s holding you back?
That wraps up this weeks edition of the Train newsletter. Keep your heads up, eyes on the horizon, and come try out the neck cloud at Train!